Business Acumen

The Power of Influence: Shaping Our Lives, Workplaces and Culture

The power of influence impacts our companies, our communities and our culture.

The power of influence is the ability to affect the thoughts, behaviors, decisions and actions of others. It involves persuading, motivating or guiding people to adopt certain views or perform specific actions, often through communication, example or authority. Effective influence can lead to significant changes in individuals and groups, shaping opinions, fostering collaboration and ultimately driving positive societal outcomes.

We live in a time where constant messaging shapes our environment, and how we communicate influences our lives at a micro-level (individually), a meso-level (groups, organizations and communities) and a macro-level (society and culture). Exploring all three levels can encourage deeper reflection and dialogue with those in your sphere of influence.

Micro-level Influence Through Internal and External Communication Patterns

How we communicate with ourselves has a ripple effect on how we communicate with others. Here are just a few ways we communicate with ourselves:

  • Self-talk: We know the power of positive self-talk, affirmations and positive mental feedback loops. But what might next-level proactive self-talk look like to help you move forward clearly, confidently and concisely in your life and leadership? Here are a few self-talk strategies to give you a jump-start:
    • Immediate Reframes: As individuals who pursue continuous growth and self-betterment, we all face setbacks and perceived failures, whether during a presentation, a tough conversation or maneuvering a grow-edge goal. The key is having an immediate reframe ready to shift a momentary negative mindset and ground yourself with a physical anchor. For example, say, “I’ve got this!” then take a deep breath and do a mini fist pump.
    • Grandmotherly Grace: We’ve all heard the saying that we need to “mother” ourselves, but sometimes we need to “grandmother” ourselves instead. When we’ve messed up or dropped the ball, it’s important to practice a ‘no nag zone,’ with nurturing self-acceptance and nourishing self-love. Grace and forgiveness can make a big difference in how we recover and move forward.
    • Visualize Success With Clear Intentions: We set goals, but do we spend enough time visualizing what success feels like when we achieve them? Mentally walk through your day entire each morning. Picture how you want to look and feel, how you want your conversations and meetings to unfold, the magic you’re excited to encounter, the possibilities you’re welcoming and what you’ll celebrate as the day ends. Be mindful of your daily mental script, scene-by-scene and remember that you are the director of your life’s movie.
  • Fuel: How we nourish ourselves speaks volumes. Are you intentionally fueling your body with proper hydration, nutrients, movement and rest? What about the messaging you allow into your sphere through the online media you consume daily? How we nourish ourselves directly impacts our moods, mindset and motivation. 
  • Self-care: How you feel is a direct reflection of your priorities. The way you prioritize your time, energy and attention mirrors how much you value yourself daily, weekly, monthly and yearly. Time-blocked exercise, mental breaks, body treatments and date nights are all helpful resources. Show yourself who and what you value most — yourself!

Meso-level Influence Through Communication

How we communicate within a team, or an organization shapes our workplace culture. Let’s look at just a few of the ways we communicate with each other:

  • Inclusive Language: Words matter. One of the most important considerations we can practice in groups or teams is to put ourselves in another’s shoes before speaking. Think about how a message will be received before it’s sent and do so with as much empathy and understanding as possible. 
  • Tone and Body Language: Breathe, stay loose and then communicate. It’s said that the most important aspects of communication are transmitted through our body language. It’s estimated that nonverbal communication — such as body language, facial expressions, gestures and posture — convey about 60-70% of information in our interactions. Imagine the impact if we prepared for our meetings by loosening up and listening more. 
  • Energy, Attitude and Embodiment: Do you practice smiling before answering a phone call? Do you do a few jumping jacks before virtual meetings to boost your energy? Do you ground yourself with a deep breath or reflect on something you’re grateful for before tackling a tough call? Have you ever considered having a difficult conversation with someone energetically before you do so physically? Next-level communication tactics like these can have a profound influence on your team and within your organization.

Macro-level Influence Through Communication

The power of media and how we communicate as a culture influences our trajectory as a society. Throughout history, the world’s most impactful celebrities, peace advocates and leaders in their fields have understood their power to influence through their words, decisions and actions.

Let’s look at a few prime examples of macro influences in today’s culture:

Taylor Swift: The global pop star is a significant cultural force who continually redefines the boundaries of her influence. Taylor Swift’s power to influence culture is immense and multifaceted. Through her music, she shapes trends and conversations, using her platform to address personal and societal issues. Her storytelling ability resonates with millions, creating a deep connection with fans. 

Beyonce: Beyoncé's power to influence culture is unparalleled, blending exceptional talent with a strong, empowering message. Through her music, she celebrates and elevates Black culture, feminism and individuality, resonating with a global audience. Her visual albums and performances set new artistic standards, while her advocacy for social justice and philanthropy inspires change. Beyoncé's ability to seamlessly merge art and activism makes her a transformative and enduring cultural icon.

Simone Biles: As the most decorated gymnast in history, Simone redefines excellence in sports with her unmatched skill and determination. Beyond her athletic achievements, she advocates for mental health, courageously prioritizing her well-being and sparking global conversations. Simone's resilience and advocacy extend her influence beyond gymnastics, empowering others to embrace their strength and prioritize their mental health.

U.S. Presidential Election 2024: From the effective use of hashtags to social media interaction, talk show visits and intentional Zoom gatherings for diverse groups, we’re seeing the power of media to mobilize votes and influence the political climate leading up to the November election.

Harnessing the Power of Influence 

The power of influence affects every aspect of our lives, from personal self-talk to organizational communication and societal trends. By understanding and harnessing our power to influence across micro, meso and macro levels, we can drive positive change in our individual lives, create supportive and inclusive work environments and contribute to a more impactful and cohesive cultural dialogue. 

Whether through personal growth strategies, effective team communication or influential public figures, the way we engage with and wield influence shapes the future of our communities and culture. As we move forward, let’s be on top of our game with our words, actions and the media we intentionally digest daily across our screens. The power of influence holds a compounding ripple effect with the ability to create meaningful and positive outcomes in all areas of our lives and sets the tone for future generations.