Starting an Awards Program

Chapter members who volunteer and participate in local awards programs see big payoffs. But these programs can be a lot of work. Do some research for your chapter before you jump in.

  1. Contact IABC International for a list of chapters and regions that host such programs. Then call a few chapters that are of similar size for insight into their experiences and if they’d willing to share templates. No need to reinvent the wheel.
  2. Reach out to your region for guidance and support based on their awards program.
  3. Poll your board to see if there is sustainable energy and funds to host such a program.
    Remember, awards programs usually include two significant parts:
    • the awards portion which includes: call for entries, securing evaluators, evaluating entries, and informing winners, and
    • the recognition portion which includes: ordering awards, awards presentation at a chapter event, media relations, and profiling winners in member communications.
  4. Next, go the extra step and do a feasibility study to gauge your members’ interest. Students are great at assisting with this type of activity. Some questions to consider:
    • Do members think the chapter should stage a local awards program?
    • Would they enter such a program?
    • How much would they be willing to pay to enter the program?
    • Would they be willing to volunteer to run the program?
    • How many of them enter IABC regional or international awards programs now?
    • What other local/regional/national/international awards programs do they enter?