Join us for a free joint webinar between ACMP and IABC!
Internal change often impacts external stakeholders and how they engage with your products and services. It goes beyond “the menu has changed” communication to true behavior change. Although you are living the change internally and dealing with your internal stakeholders and behavior changes, often, change fails because the external audience is left to an afterthought. Change fatigue can be even more impactful for external audiences as they see change in every company they deal with. This is especially true as we look at shifts to AI-embedded technology and AI agents, for example.
Three Session Takeaways:
- Understand the need to look beyond internal stakeholders when initiating change strategies.
- Determine how to help stakeholders cope with noise and change fatigue when it comes to external audiences.
- Explain how to utilize AI tools, such as agents, search engines, etc. to understand the changing behavior of external stakeholders.